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Leave us a Review

At Hotsy, your opinion matters. Write a quick review about your experience on our Facebook page and Google letting us know how we did. From products to service, pricing and more, we want to hear about it all. After you’ve submitted your reviews, make sure to fill out the form below to receive a free Hotsy hat.


  1. Click Here to write a review on Hotsy’s Facebook page.
  2. Click the gray stars to choose a rating (we love 5-star reviews). Please write about your experience with us!
  3. Click Done.


  1. Click Here to write a review on Hotsy’s Google page.
  2. Make sure you are signed in with your Google account.
  3. On the right, scroll down and click Write a review.
  4. Click the gray stars to choose a rating (we love 5-star reviews). Please write about your experience with us! Feel free to upload a photo of your product.
  5. Click Post.

Your review will be visible in Google until you take it down. After your review is published, you can edit what you wrote, or change the rating and pictures you included. 

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